Thursday, December 20, 2007

Is Our Spiritual Growth Being Served by Our "Way of Life?"

Don't you just love this escapade we are all on called "Life on Planet Earth?" It is a delightful and fantastic game and the lone manner it would be otherwise is if you take for it to be.

Right now we are in a phase of corporate evolution, as the human species, where we have got chosen for it to be otherwise. As a human race society we have got chosen to believe that we are separate entities, as people, as communities, as states, as nations, and as a planet. We have got got chosen a position of screening life as a battle that must be won in order to continue the "way of life" that we have chosen and created.

We chose this position because upon entering this physical human race the predominant belief system said that it's a jungle out there and the lone manner to last is by being the most fit. You have got to develop and make your life so that you are continually winning the conflict to be better at the game of life than your competitors. You detect that if you acquire really good at winning then you acquire to do the rules. This assists you maintain an advantage over your rivals and accumulate more than points.

The gage that is used to see who is a victor is the accretion of earthly things that we possess, because in this paradigm you acquire to have got all that you have struggled and fought and manipulated to acquire as portion of the game. All the stuff places that are deemed by your society to be of value are held as trophies to your success.

You have got the parts of the Earth that you have acquired including the air above the Earth and the land and the minerals below the earth. You have the people in your life that assent to your right of dominance. You have your married woman or hubby and handle them as portion of your possessions. You have your children and throw their achievements as your ain and disallow their perceived failures.

As your possessions, you endeavour to transfuse in them your value systems and judgements and seek to cast them in your mental image and likeness. You quash their independent thought because you cognize what is better for them than they do.

You adopt the virtuousnesses of freedom because you desire to be free to prosecute all avenues that aid you be a winner. But your definition of freedom often struggles with another's definition of freedom, so you join forces with people who share your position to guarantee that your definition of freedom prevails. Once again, you win, they lose, and you acquire to put the rules.

Of course of study the freedom you take is one that lets you to collect more than of the stuff ownerships that most people playing this game desire the most. That is, the accretion of money. It is by this criterion that society acknowledges your stature, and it is to this symbolism that the society have got got created a mantra and a "way of life."

The mantra is that "who you are is not of import if you don't have adequate money." And the "way of life" we have created is that it is our God-given correct to possess and devour as much of life's premium as we can afford (or borrow or steal) and this must be preserved at all costs.

So what have that meant to us as individuals, and societies, and nations, and a planet? As individuals, societies, and states we are always at choice. The planet have no choice. It is at effect to the picks we do and the lives we take to make as individuals, societies, and nations.

Wait a minute. You intend that we, as individuals, clasp the very endurance of our planet in our ain hands? You decide. Read on.

Here is how individuals, societies, and states continue their "way of life" now. I am generalizing here, because not all societies throw this view, but the bulk of the societies of this Earth are acting in the mode that follows.

Most people have got bought into the paradigm of life that states we are all separate from each other, the planet that prolongs us and separate from God.

They believe they are separate physical things unto themselves and as such as they are mainly concerned with trying to win points in the game of life and continue the position quo. The position quo being their "way of life." On an individual degree they are conditioned to believe that by struggling and manipulating their lives they can collect and get money and stuff ownerships that they have got been told will do them happy, and or addition them entranceway into heaven.

Individually they back up those systems and establishments that reenforce and addendum these endeavors. The chief systems they trust upon are religion, instruction and government.

Individually, most people have got values of honesty, responsibility, fairness, regard and freedom. However each of these values is subject to each individual's interpretation, because each person comprehends that they are separate from every other individual and separate from God.

So individuals, in their pursuit for some type of uniformity in their value systems once again trust heavily on the establishments that support their "way of life." Religion, instruction and authorities are the systems that continually act upon people in their separateness, and people continually reenforce these establishments to keep doing so, under the pretense that by doing so they can go on to maintain their "way of life."

My inquiry to you is this, "Are we being served by believing in the paradigm of separation and it is the "way of life' we have got created serving us?"

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Blogger Mohinish said...

i think what you 've is somewhat depressive but i think there's a bit of truth also there.& i think few people come clean of this generalisation.but we should not loose our hope.

December 21, 2007 at 3:23 AM  

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