Optimant - How You Get and Give the Good Gold
When you have the Sealing Wax Supreme Being works a small garden in you, just like the Garden of Eden. One of the gifts Supreme Being gave to the garden was gold, and this gold is optimant, sharing its blessing.
God created the existence and the human race in six years and He rested on the 7th day. The 5th twenty-four hours was when He created the people, Adam and Eve. And these are people of your garden.
The Sealing Wax is a small secret plan of land ready to have seed. When that seed is sown the Sealing Wax will turn it just like the Earth turns its seeds to full fruit. And your psyche is the dirt that seed is sown in.
The garden is complete and ready to turn life things with the aid of the Presence of Supreme Being along with you. The Ethel Waters of the garden needed for Life are the Presence of the Holy Place Spirit.
The visible light needed to turn greenish things in the garden is given by the Presence of Jesus Of Nazareth Jesus the Son of God. And the air the seeds necessitate to last and turn up is given when Supreme Being the Father sanctifies your ain spirit.
And you necessitate Supreme Being the Father to put His Sealing Wax upon your soul. That is how you go that small secret plan of land ready to turn things. You really necessitate the 1 Supreme Being for all these things--though He is three Persons yet He is One.
But though you necessitate Supreme Being to prolong the small ecosystem of your garden, Supreme Being also necessitates the fertile dirt of your soul. For you are one of the four necessary elements for growing of Life in your garden, along with Supreme Being as the other three.
God created fauna as well as vegetation in the garden and they appeared in the Garden of Eden. But though Supreme Being created them too, His chief Purpose for your ain garden is the bearing of vegetation and its fruit.
When you bear the fruit of vegetation you will eventually bear people also. The fruit gets the message you direct to the world. Then the fruit itself goes a person. That haps when the individual believes the message.
It begins with a single corn seed--a single message. When that message turns up it convey forth fruit and respective more than than messages are available, each of which can turn into more fruit until the combination fruit conveys a bountiful harvest.
When people believe those messages, those corn seeds have got go people. This is just how Supreme Being created the people on earth, and He will eventually sough people (believers) in your garden.
You may eventually crop a bountiful harvest of people as well as messages. And Supreme Being gave another small gift to the Garden of Eden, a gift He assures to you too--gold.
He promised you gold, for you will boom eventually with the sending of the message. And the trusters in your message will boom too, so everyone can share in the abundant prosperity.
The gold of the Garden of Eden was the good gold, the optimal gold. And similar to that gold, your gold will be optimant, for as well as being blessed your gold will bless others too.
When you have the Sealing Wax your gold will boom you and will also boom those who believe your message. And they too can bless others with the optimant gold they have until many people are prospered with receiving the Seal.
Labels: jason witt, optimant, seal
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