Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Spiritual Choice - Unconditional Love or Conditional Love

In the dualistic existence of theory of relativity there are two ways to look at love. First is the love based paradigm of love that come ups from integrity consciousness. Second is the fear-based paradigm of love that come ups from a separation mentality. Love-based love is unconditional love. Fear-based love is conditional love.

The sad thing about it is because we are taught from birth to undergo this fear-based paradigm of love, we not only encompass it, but we make it unconsciously in our ain experiences of love. As we put our statuses and undergo our fears, we cognize deep within ourselves that this fear-based conception of love cannot truly be the love that we wish to experience as pure.

It makes not look right to maintain thought 'I will love you if....' If you are a blonde. If you are rich. If you are pretty. If you allow me take advantage of you. If you will love me back. It makes not substance what the "ifs" are because, with this paradigm, the fearfulness is always there.

You fear the light-haired may turn to gray. You fear the wealth may travel away. You fear the pretty may acquire old and ugly. You fear that your advantage may change and they will take advantage of you, or you fear that they will not love you.

What you make not always recognize is that whoever you are projecting this fear-based love on is doing the same to you. They were taught fear-based love just like you were, and their percepts of you are also deeply rooted in the conception of conditions. Neither political party can uncover their true selves or they will be at a disadvantage in the relationship.

Their fearfulness is that their statuses will not be met and they will be vulnerable to the statuses push upon them. Trust is lost and then fear tallies amuck with lies, fraudulence and rejection, all in the name of love, but not love purely given.

What is this conception of love purely given? It is defined within the paradigm of the Supreme Being of integrity consciousness. The Supreme Being of unity is at her core pure love. There is nil to fear about this Supreme Being because the result of your life is assured. This is a Supreme Being who makes not justice you, and lets you to dwell your life freely in the mode you choose. This is a Supreme Being who have no cause to penalize you. You will not be condemned to hell, because there is no such as topographic point in the universe. This Supreme Being dispenses her love unconditionally and is totally accepting. You can swear and demand not fear this God.

We see by our ain fear-based system of love (which is the paradigm of separation), and the ideas we believe about love when we are stuck in this paradigm are that they reprobate us to never really experience unconditional love.

This paradigm, and the conditioned love it requires, also reprobates us to never acquire to cognize the all-loving Supreme Being of integrity and unity. We cannot cognize this Supreme Being as long as we take fear-based actions. The actions that we have got got got got got been taught all our lives.

These fear-based actions will never let us to recognize ourselves, and never let us to apparent in our world the full glorification of who we really are and who we can be.

To do this paradigm displacement from an untrustworthy, fearful, and vengeful Supreme Being who is separate from us, to a trusting, loving, and accepting Supreme Being who is one with us, we have to change the beginning of our teachings.

In the past we have trusted in the instructors and coaches who have fed back to us the events and experiences of adult male and have claimed to state us the truth. Their instructions are well intentioned and not meant to misinform, but the human race is that their instructions came from the same fear-based paradigm this world have subscribed to for one thousands of years. This external manner of screening the human race have got not stopped the killing, hate, and fearfulness that permeates all of civilised society, as we cognize it today.

These instructions have relied on man's thought that by passing on the experiences of the past, we can do a better future. Man cannot appreciation the thought that we should be able to larn from the past, because we go on to reiterate the same errors and actually kill, hatred and fearfulness on a much grander scale. Hate and fearfulness have got escalated civilised society's ability to construct more than and better arms of killing and destruction.

The conception behind how we dwell our lives today is rooted in the thought that we are here to larn the lessons of life. We travel to school to larn some of life's lessons quicker and easier in a standardised setting. This environment is well suited for the fear-based world that states we are separate from each other.

By allowing a standardised state of affairs to be to learn us the lessons of life, we make the perfect scene to truly exemplify and promulgate the separation mentality. This instruction system sets the standards, and the pupils have got to mensurate up to them. Those that win in figuring out the system are deemed acceptable to society, and those who make not are deemed failures and are relegated to failure position in our society.

Success in this instruction system guarantees that you will at least have got the chance to fit yourself with the accomplishments to win the game of endurance of the fittest. It makes not vouch the result of your life, but you have got less fearfulness of losing or failure.

Those who make not win in this system are denied many of the chances required to play the game effectively, much less win the game of endurance of the fittest. It makes not vouch that you will be a failure, but it intends that you will have got to travel outside the system to get what you necessitate in order to compete.

Compete you must in this system because it is one of victors and losers. We are taught from early on that we desire to be winners. To be a also-ran is to fail. The result of your life is in serious uncertainty if you are a failure. This is what we have got got been taught from our earlier lessons in life.

Under the pretense of looking out for our best interests, we have been told that we must larn life's lessons in order to be successful. Success was defined in different ways and we could easily look at the human race around us and find that, somehow, success was having tons of money or celebrity or a combination of both. Somewhere in the instruction procedure we were led to believe that once you were successful you would have got got felicity and peace.

Nowhere make they learn you that in order to have felicity and peace all you necessitate to make is take felicity and peace and then "Be felicity and peace."

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